Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Some Answers

I might as well answer a few questions that have com up.

In reference to this post, yoko asked, "Democracy in action. About how many people actually show up to these town meetings?"

The answer is that about 25-30% of registered voters show up at town meeting. That's about 200-300 people. We have them in the all-purpose room at the elementary school.

In reference to this post, Peth asked, "Does this gossip have anything to do with Prince Rogers Nelson and/or chocolate-flavored ready-whip?"

The answer is I don't think so but who can tell.

In reference to the same post, snacks asked, "Any satanic cult stories or children of the corn kids running a muck?"

The answer is not so far to both. I will tell you, though, that some of the people around here seem a little inbred; that is they seem dumb and weird looking. They might be satanic but I think they are just Republicans. As for children, they don't run amuck in This Tiny Town, but they do run amuck in the next town over which also has a high percentage of deeply religious Christians. That's almost like a cult.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA! funny and scary at the same time!

6:46 PM  
Blogger waterlilysage said...

hey now, look at this! i like tiny town tales.

9:22 AM  

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